Effingham County Sheriff's Office Easter Egg Hunt

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Name: Effingham County Sheriff's Office Easter Egg Hunt
Date: April 1, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
For the first time in almost 20 years, the Effingham County Sheriff's Office will host an Easter Egg Hunt. 

Vendors 10am-2pm

Kids Hunt 10:30am

Adults Hunt 11:30am

If you would like to be a vendor or want to become a sponsor for the egg hunt, please click the link below for more information. -> https://bit.ly/3EOGoci [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3EOGoci%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1HCEMuD-LJ9fLKKT8aK0lKfFmwO666JoRQHof352-ux44FaOH2rNEta8Q&h=AT1JijJIshfAFV9WMjvrUOqiv_gFCeZwglSFbBxW9lj4fYxqkqtxdJ3l04p8L-FOFLqHENk1gXV7BkEetg9b9hrSrbQQlfCnipEY11x7jevCus9VvRXPXXx6_xIOPU2k3w&__tn__=-UK*F&c[0]=AT0DsPl8xYe3VQfN8E4qBSujB6UpwTY343ghEvAw_wRHQGCU_Mxbp5AnbPeBb6HqXAr44kGmtvtf605ISCnQfAiX0mGBD56mrenUdkKQHurUiI3nnsSPKfhqa31ALjEPsNGN8SU-UV3U8iPvQPEG5pXO-HWxGnEHnr0ftK98sTd7Yiw_FfaTJZZlq_f-dwu3ybqmRXlV8_Qq]

BIG THANKS to Rincon Chick-fil-A for being our first "Platinum Sponsor" for this event.
Event Media:
Effingham County Sheriff's Office
130 W. 1st Street Extension
Springfield, GA 31329
Date/Time Information:
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Vendors 10am-2pm

Kids Hunt 10:30am

Adults Hunt 11:30am

Contact Information:
(912) 754-3449 ext 4215 or EffinghamCoGSYH@gmail.com
Vendor fee: $50
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

Printed courtesy of www.effinghamcounty.com/ – Contact the Effingham County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
712 N. Laurel Street, Suite 200, Springfield, GA 31329 – (912) 754-3301 – skraut@effinghamcounty.com