• City of Guyton

  • Guyton, named for Archibald Guyton, a prominent local citizen, was an affluent town by the time of the Civil War. During the war, the Confederacy built a hospital in Guyton, and when Sherman marched from Atlanta to Savannah on his burn and destroy mission, he came through Guyton, looting, burning and stealing. In 1887, Guyton was incorporated.

    Little is known about the Guyton family, for whom the town was named, and there are no families carrying the name living there today. The last Guyton family home is located just north of the city limits, and is still in excellent condition. 

    Each December, the town celebrates Christmas with an annual tour of homes, a community sponsored event that sees about 3,000 visitors. 

    Today, Guyton is still a small town, with a current population of 2,925. The town was listed in Sperling’s Best Places to Live, listing its historic interest, pleasant winters and attractive downtown areas as the top reasons.

    Mayor: Andy Harville
    Council Members: Jeremiah Chancey, Theodore Hamby, Michael Johnson, & Joseph Lee

    City Hall
    310 Central Blvd., Guyton, GA 31312
    Phone: (912) 772-3353 | Fax: (912) 772-3152

    Meetings Schedule:
    City Council: Second Tuesday of each month at 7PM
    Planning and Zoning: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 7PM

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