As the largest municipality in Effingham County, Rincon is a vital part of the county’s economic growth and development. According to the city’s website, the town boasts a high level of resident services with no current city property taxes, provides continuous training for city staff that ensures efficient city government, maintains the lowest city service fees in the county, has a police response time of less than three minutes, has the best equipped fire department in the county, and a rapidly growing recreation department.
Rincon began as a Salzburger New Ebenezer settlement along the Savannah River, but once the railroad came to town, the sleepy town was awakened The town’s line and grid street system, like that in use in Savannah, helped the town to settle in an organized manner. Sawmills, cotton gins and turpentine stills popped up, bringing with them a booming economy. Rincon was incorporated in August 1927. The town is now home to more than 10,000 people who enjoy a wide variety of businesses, retail outlets, restaurants and grocery stores. The public services and town infrastructure provide the potential for growth and business development, making Rincon a great place to live and work.
Mayor: Kevin Exley
Council Members: Jesse 'Ben' Blackwell, Jr., Tim Milner, Brandy Riley, Levi Scott, Michelle Taylor, & Ramona Underwood
City Manager: Robert Byrd
City Hall
302 S. Columbia Ave., Rincon, GA 31326
Phone: (912) 826-5745 | Fax: (912) 826-2083
Police Department Building
107 West 17th Street | Rincon, GA 31326
Council Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays of every month at 6:30PM